—Network coding for two-way relaying in a three-node network is considered. The achievable rate regions under both traditional four-slot multi-hopping (FSMH) and network coding (...
This paper investigates the capacity of a wireless two-way relay channel in which two end nodes exchange information via a relay node. The capacity is defined in the information-th...
— We present a new physical layer network coding (PLNC) scheme, called superimposed XOR, for two-way relay channels. The new scheme specifically takes into account the channel a...
Jianquan Liu, Meixia Tao, Youyun Xu, Xiaodong Wang
—In the conventional two-way relay channel, two sources exchange information with help from a relay. We introduce a generalized two-way relay channel where each source additional...
—In this paper we present a generalized joint channel and physical layer network coding scheme for two-way relay systems, where the two sources A and B desire to exchange informa...