Markovian process algebras, such as PEPA and stochastic -calculus, bring a powerful compositional approach to the performance modelling of complex systems. However, the models gen...
—In a user-centric service creation process, users should drive the service creation, in which services can be composed out of existing services. However, the creation is expecte...
Hawkes processes are used for modeling tick-by-tick variations of a single or of a pair of asset prices. For each asset, two counting processes (with stochastic intensities) are a...
Emmanuel Bacry, Sylvain Delattre, Marc Hoffmann, J...
In concurrent real-time processes, the speed of individual components has a double impact: on the one hand, the overall latency of a compound process is affected by the latency of...
Abstract. This paper elaborates on scenarios for collaborative knowledge creation in the spirit of the trialogical learning paradigm. According to these scenarios the group knowled...