Abstract—RFID promises to revolutionize the inventory management in large warehouses, retail stores, hospitals, transportation systems, etc. Periodically reading the IDs of the t...
Abstract. Face recognition under varying pose is a challenging problem, especially when illumination variations are also present. Under Lambertian model, spherical harmonics repres...
Diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of interventions for children with autism can profit most when caregivers have substantial amounts of data they can easily record and review a...
Gillian R. Hayes, Khai N. Truong, Gregory D. Abowd...
The recent digital revolution has facilitated communication, data portability and on-the-fly manipulation. Unfortunately, this has brought along some critical security vulnerabili...
Abbas Cheddad, Joan Condell, Kevin Curran, Paul Mc...
This paper presents an automated analog synthesis tool for topology generation and subsequent circuit sizing. Though sizing is indispensable, the paper mainly concentrates on topo...