Abstract. Many design flaws and incorrect analyses of cryptographic protoAppeared in the Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Archit...
Abstract. Theorem provers, model checkers, static analyzers, test generators. . . all of these and many other kinds of formal methods tools can contribute to the analysis and devel...
Abstract. In the constraint satisfaction problem (CSP), the aim is to find an assignment of values to a set of variables subject to specified constraints. In the minimum cost hom...
A self-stabilizing algorithm, regardless of the initial system state, converges in finite time to a set of states that satisfy a legitimacy predicate without the need for explici...
Abstract. Besides topological relations and approximate relations, cardinal directions have turned out to be an important class of qualitative spatial relations. In spatial databas...
Tao Chen, Markus Schneider, Ganesh Viswanathan, We...