Wireless connectivity for vehicles is a fast-growing market, with a plethora of different network technologies already in use. Surveys of the numbers of IEEE 802.11b/g access poin...
For each industry, there exist many taxonomies that are intended for various applications. There are also multiple sources of regulations from different government agencies. Indus...
End-effector control of robots using just remote camera views is difficult due to lack of perceived correspondence between the joysticks and the end-effector coordinate frame. Thi...
Aditya Nawab, Keshav Chintamani, R. Darin Ellis, G...
As more and more physical information becomes available, a critical problem is enabling the simple and efficient exchange of this data. We present our design for a simple RESTful ...
Stephen Dawson-Haggerty, Xiaofan Jiang, Gilman Tol...
Voice conversion has become more and more important in speech technology, but most of current works have to use parallel utterances of both source and target speaker as the traini...