While the number of transistors on a chip increases exponentially over time, the productivity that can be realized from these systems has not kept pace. To deal with the complexit...
Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing both have the goal of pushing the computer into the background, supporting all kinds of human activities. Application areas include areas such as...
Researchers seeking alternatives to traditional desktop computers have begun exploring the potential collaborative benefits of digital tabletop displays. However, there are still ...
Stacey D. Scott, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Kori M...
Interactive computing systems frequently use pointing as an input modality, while also supporting other forms of input such as alphanumeric, voice, gesture, and force. We focus on...
I report on an experience using the Coq proof assistant to develop a program verification tool with a machine-checkable proof of full correctness. The verifier is able to prove me...