Given large circuit sizes, high clock frequencies, and possibly extreme operating environments, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are capable of heating beyond their designed...
This paper discusses the technical and policy issues that West Virginia Network (WVNET) encountered when it expanded its statewide Internet dialup service through an outsourcing p...
Abstract. ScaLAPACK is a library of high performance linear algebra routines for distributed memory MIMD computers. It is a continuation of the LAPACK project, which designed and p...
Wireless sensor networks have been traditionally designed to be privately owned and used. Hence the two hallmark features of sensor networks, namely customized network application...
Amiya Bhattacharya, Meddage S. Fernando, Partha Da...
We present Hubble, a system that operates continuously to find Internet reachability problems in which routes exist to a destination but packets are unable to reach the destinatio...
Ethan Katz-Bassett, Harsha V. Madhyastha, John P. ...