Background: Significant parts of biological knowledge are available only as unstructured text in articles of biomedical journals. By automatically identifying gene and gene produc...
The mwetoolkit is a tool for automatic extraction of Multiword Expressions (MWEs) from monolingual corpora. It both generates and validates MWE candidates. The generation is based...
Carlos Ramisch, Aline Villavicencio, Christian Boi...
In this paper, we describe our multilingual (or cross-linguistic) information browsing and retrieval system, which is aimed at monolingual users who are interested in information ...
Chinatsu Aone, Nicholas Charocopos, James Gorlinsk...
Background: Identification of gene and protein names in biomedical text is a challenging task as the corresponding nomenclature has evolved over time. This has led to multiple syn...
Daniel Hanisch, Katrin Fundel, Heinz-Theodor Mevis...
In this paper we describe a model of the process by which people solve problems using information visualization systems. The model was based on video analysis of forty dyads who p...