The Multimedia Internet Terminal (MINT)1 is a flexible multimedia tool set that allows the establishment and control of multimedia sessions across the Internet. The system archit...
Software-based self-test (SBST) is emerging as a promising technology for enabling at-speed testing of high-speed embedded processors testing in an SoC system. For SBST, test rout...
Transient faults that arise in large-scale software systems can often be repaired by re-executing the code in which they occur. Ascribing a meaningful semantics for safe re-execut...
This paper explores the issues faced in creating a sys-4 tem that can learn tactical human behavior merely by observing5 a human perform the behavior in a simulation. More specific...
—Due to the widespread use and inherent complexity of floating-point addition, much effort has been devoted to its speedup via algorithmic and circuit techniques. We propose a ne...