Background: The evolution of high throughput technologies that measure gene expression levels has created a data base for inferring GRNs (a process also known as reverse engineeri...
Background: Biological networks offer us a new way to investigate the interactions among different components and address the biological system as a whole. In this paper, a revers...
Dong-Chul Kim, Xiaoyu Wang, Chin-Rang Yang, Jean G...
Background: Immunoglobulin (IG or antibody) and the T-cell receptor (TR) are pivotal proteins in the immune system of higher organisms. In cancer immunotherapy, the immune respons...
Background: Gene family identification from ESTs can be a valuable resource for analysis of genome evolution but presents unique challenges in organisms for which the entire genom...
Background: The engineering of ontologies, especially with a view to a text-mining use, is still a new research field. There does not yet exist a well-defined theory and technolog...