: Constructed Narratives is both a human computer interaction research project and interactive art exploration that demonstrates methods by which rigorous research and aesthetic an...
In the WebStickers system, where barcode stickers may be attached to physical objects making them act as bookmarks to the worldwide web in a convenient way to the user. Using read...
We present a generic approach to multimodal fusion which we call context based multimodal integration. Key to this approach is that every multimodal input event is interpreted and...
This paper discusses a group coordination architecture to support Internet-wide distributed collaboration in the context of legacy Internet protocols. Group coordination in distri...
During the last few years, there have been debates over what is context and how computers should act upon it. Two disparate camps of thought can be recognized. First, Realism, hav...
Antti Oulasvirta, Sakari Tamminen, Kristina Hö...