The Remote Agent Experiment (RAX) on the Deep Space 1 (DS1) mission was the first time that an artificially intelligent agent controlled a NASA spacecraft. One of the key componen...
Benjamin D. Smith, Martin S. Feather, Nicola Musce...
The rapid development of computer network technologies and social informationalization has brought many new opportunities and challenges in information security. With improved info...
The results of a machine learning from user behavior can be thought of as a program, and like all programs, it may need to be debugged. Providing ways for the user to debug it mat...
Moore’s law describes the growth in on-chip transistor density, which doubles every 18 to 24 months and looks set to continue for at least a decade and possibly longer. This grow...
Emerging technologies, such as intelligent agents, avatars, and distributed environments offer new opportunities for the improvement of business games used for training decision m...