The ongoing convergence between TV and the Internet leads traditional broadcast companies to publish their content on the Internet. Interactive digital TV platforms, which support...
Steven Van Assche, Filip Hendrickx, Nico Oorts, Lo...
—Routing protocols are implemented in the form of software running on a general-purpose microprocessor. However, conventional software-based router architectures face significan...
Firat Kiyak, Brent Mochizuki, Eric Keller, Matthew...
Efficient architecture exploration and design of application specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) requires retargetable software development tools, in particular C compil...
Jianjiang Ceng, Manuel Hohenauer, Rainer Leupers, ...
While software architecture has become an increasingly important research topic in recent years, insufficient attention has been paid to methods for evaluation of these architectu...
Rick Kazman, Leonard J. Bass, Mike Webb, Gregory D...
One of the challenges in designing distributed, embedded systems is the paucity of formal, executable specification notations that provide support for both real-time and asynchron...