Three-dimensional (3-D) integrated circuits have emerged as promising candidates to overcome the interconnect bottlenecks of nanometer scale designs. While they offer several othe...
Gian Luca Loi, Banit Agrawal, Navin Srivastava, Sh...
The theoretical lower limit of subthreshold swing in MOSFETs (60 mV/decade) significantly restricts low voltage operation since it results in a low ON to OFF current ratio at low ...
Daeyeon Kim, Yoonmyung Lee, Jin Cai, Isaac Lauer, ...
Thermal gradients across the die are becoming increasingly prominent as we scale further down into the sub-nanometer regime. While temperature was never a primary concern, its non...
Virtual Private Networks provide secure and reliable communication between customer sites. With increase in number and size of VPNs, providers need efficient provisioning techniqu...
Satish Raghunath, K. K. Ramakrishnan, Shivkumar Ka...