The stationary set splitting game is a game of perfect information of length 1 between two players, unsplit and split, in which unsplit chooses stationarily many countable ordinal...
While the covering algorithm has been perfected recently by the iterative approaches, such as DAOmap and IMap, its application has been limited to technology mapping. The main fact...
Abstract. We consider the control problem for timed automata against specifications given as MTL formulas. The logic MTL is a linear-time timed temporal logic which extends LTL wit...
Patricia Bouyer, Laura Bozzelli, Fabrice Chevalier
In contrast with classical reasoning, where a solution is either correct or incorrect, approximate reasoning tries to compute solutions which are close to the ideal solution, with...
Alan Verberne, Frank van Harmelen, Annette ten Tei...
Stable belief sets were introduced by R. Stalnaker in the early ’80s, as a formal representation of the epistemic state for an ideal introspective agent. This notion motivated M...