The segmentation of the myocardium based on the 17-segment model as recommended by the American Heart Association is widely used in medical practice. The patient-specific coronary...
Phylogenetic Bootstrapping (BS) is a standard technique for inferring confidence values on phylogenetic trees that is based on reconstructing many trees from minor variations of th...
Nicholas D. Pattengale, Masoud Alipour, Olaf R. P....
BGP routing updates collected by monitoring projects such as RouteViews and RIPE have been a vital source to our understanding of the global routing system. The updates logged by ...
Driving behavior has been trending towards more time in the car and longer commutes. This has fueled the demand for an increasing number of in-vehicle infotainment features, at th...
Jackie C. Chang, Annie Lien, Brian Lathrop, Holger...
Collaborative Filtering, considered by many researchers as the most important technique for information filtering, has been extensively studied by both academic and industrial co...