Chip multiprocessors (CMP) are widely used for high performance computing. Further, these CMPs are being configured in a hierarchical manner to compose a node in a cluster system....
Xingfu Wu, Valerie E. Taylor, Charles W. Lively, S...
In this paper we propose a high performance parallel file system over iSCSI (iPVFS) for cluster computing. iPVFS provides a cost-effective solution for heterogeneous cluster envi...
The Midimew network is an excellent contender for implementing the communication subsystem of a high performance computer. This network is an optimal 2D topology in the sense ther...
The problem of eciently retrieving and ranking documents from a huge collection according to their relevance to a research topic is addressed. A broad class of queries is dened a...
Communicationin aparallel systemfrequently involvesmoving data from the memory of one node to the memory of another; this is the standard communication model employedin message pa...