Mischief is a system to support traditional classroom practices between a remote instructor and a group of collocated students. Meant for developing regions, each student in the c...
Neema Moraveji, Taemie Kim, James Ge, Udai Singh P...
HCI evaluation methods are useful for improving the design of interactive systems, yet they may be rejected by nontraditional technology disciplines such as media art. We have dev...
This tutorial presents an overview of the data management issues faced by computer games today. While many games do not use databases directly, they still have to process large am...
Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke, Christoph Koch, B...
In modern Web applications, style formatting and layout calculation often account for a substantial amount of local Web page processing time. In this paper1 , we present two novel...
Kaimin Zhang, Lu Wang, Aimin Pan, Bin Benjamin Zhu
As industry moves towards many-core chips, networks-on-chip (NoCs) are emerging as the scalable fabric for interconnecting the cores. With power now the first-order design constr...
Andrew B. Kahng, Bin Li, Li-Shiuan Peh, Kambiz Sam...