The difficulty of finding errors caused by unexpected interleavings of threads in concurrent programs is well known. Model checkers can pinpoint such errors and verify correctness...
Abstract. Predictive analysis aims at detecting concurrency errors during runtime by monitoring a concrete execution trace of a concurrent program. In recent years, various models ...
Chao Wang, Sudipta Kundu, Malay K. Ganai, Aarti Gu...
The timed concurrent constraint programming language (tccp in short) was introduced for modeling reactive systems. This language allows one to model in a very intuitive way typica...
of abstract interpretations in formal methods It is always very satisfying to hear about a theory, in the case at hand it is the theory of abstract interpretations, that explains i...
—Memory accesses form an important source of timing unpredictability. Timing analysis of real-time embedded software thus requires bounding the time for memory accesses. Multipro...
Yan Li, Vivy Suhendra, Yun Liang, Tulika Mitra, Ab...