Future homes will be populated with large numbers of robots with diverse functionalities, ranging from chore robots to elder care robots to entertainment robots. While household r...
Tamara Denning, Cynthia Matuszek, Karl Koscher, Jo...
We present a framework for designing end-to-end congestion control schemes in a network where each user may have a different utility function and may experience non-congestion-re...
Today’s object-relational DBMSs (ORDBMSs) are designed to support novel application domains by providing an extensible architecture, supplemented by domain-specific database ex...
The practical implementation and use of a mediator for fixed income securities analysis demonstrated the potential for extending the application of conceptual modeling from the sys...
Advances in FPGA-based reconfigurable computers have made them a viable computing platform for a vast variety of computation demanding areas such as bioinformatics, speech recogni...