This work obtains shaking-free route panoramas from a vehicle borne camera. We detect the shaking and waving profile of the camera and rectify a long route panorama automatically ...
In order to avoid security threats caused by password attack and replay attack in single sign-on protocal, the most methods on sovling these issues are making use of complicated te...
In the study of information flow in the nervous system, component processes can be investigated using a range of electrophysiological and imaging techniques. Although data is diff...
Large Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip use Networks-on-Chip with a high degree of reusability and scalability for message communication. Therefore, network infrastructure is a cruc...
Asynchronous systems components are hard to write, hard to reason about, and (not coincidentally) hard to mechanically verify. In order to achieve high performance, asynchronous c...
Prakash Chandrasekaran, Christopher L. Conway, Jos...