The bit-sliced index (BSI) was originally defined in [ONQ97]. The current paper introduces the concept of BSI arithmetic. For any two BSI's X and Y on a table T, we show how ...
Denis Rinfret, Patrick E. O'Neil, Elizabeth J. O'N...
Search engine technology plays an important role in Web information retrieval. However, with Internet information explosion, traditional searching techniques cannot provide satisfa...
Baile Shi, Guoyu Hao, Hongtao Xu, Mei Wang, Qi Zha...
Traditional boosting algorithms for the ranking problems usually employ the pairwise approach and convert the document rating preference into a binary-value label, like RankBoost....
Chenguang Zhu, Weizhu Chen, Zeyuan Allen Zhu, Gang...
We consider the problem of efficiently producing ranked results for keyword search queries over hyperlinked XML documents. Evaluating keyword search queries over hierarchical XML ...
Lin Guo, Feng Shao, Chavdar Botev, Jayavel Shanmug...
With the increasing amount of text data stored in relational databases, there is a demand for RDBMS to support keyword queries over text data. As a search result is often assemble...