The bag of words representation (BoW), which is widely used in information retrieval (IR), represents documents and queries as word lists that do not express anything about context...
Although various visualization techniques have been proposed for information retrieval tasks, most of them are based on a single strategy for viewing and navigating through the in...
Toshiyuki Masui, Mitsuru Minakuchi, George R. Bord...
Pinpoint is a promising first step towards using a rich model of task context in proactive and dynamic IR systems. Pinpoint allows a user to navigate decision tree representations...
Larry Birnbaum, Wallace J. Hopp, Seyed M. R. Irava...
Digital multimedia such as images and videos are prevalent on today's internet and cause significant social impact, which can be evidenced by the proliferation of social netw...
Information fused by multi-sensors is an important factor for obtaining reliable contextual information in smart spaces which use the pervasive and ubiquitous computing techniques...
Hyun Lee, Byoungyong Lee, Kyungseo Park, Ramez Elm...