Activator-inhibitor models have been widely used to explain several morphogenetic processes. They have also been used to engineer algorithms for computer graphics, distributed syst...
We present a system towards the integration of data mining into relational databases. To this end, a relational database model is proposed, based on the so called virtual mining vi...
An autonomic system is a system capable of managing itself and adjusting its actions in the face of environmental changes. Autonomic systems are currently developed using ad-hoc ap...
OntoSearch, a full-text search engine that exploits ontological knowledge for document retrieval, is presented in this paper. Different from other ontology based search engines, O...
While the importance of multi-tier architectures for enterprise information systems is widely accepted and their benefits are well published, the systematic migration from monolit...
Wilhelm Hasselbring, Ralf Reussner, Holger Jaekel,...