While the number of transistors on a chip increases exponentially over time, the productivity that can be realized from these systems has not kept pace. To deal with the complexit...
Distributed real-time automotive embedded systems have to be highly dependable as well as cost-efficient due to the large number of manufactured units. To close the gap between r...
Dietmar Schreiner, Markus Schordan, Karl M. Gö...
—Network coding is a method that promises to achieve the min-cut capacity in multicasts. However, pushing towards this gain in throughput comes with two sacrifices. Delay suffer...
, are to address what we perceive as the most pressing shortcomings of current reflective middleware platforms. First, performance: in the worst case, this needs to be on a par wit...
Gordon S. Blair, Geoff Coulson, Michael Clarke, Ni...
Abstract— Starting from the situated and embodied perspective on the study of biological cognition as a source of inspiration, this paper programmatically outlines a path towards...