Organisations can be defined as a set of entities regulated by mechanisms of social order and created by more or less autonomous actors to achieve common goals. Multi-agent systems...
Typical conversational recommender systems support interactive strategies that are hard-coded in advance and followed rigidly during a recommendation session. In fact, Reinforceme...
Resource allocation is a key problem in autonomic computing. In this paper we use a data center scenario to motivate the need for decentralization and cooperative negotiation, and...
Craig Boutilier, Rajarshi Das, Jeffrey O. Kephart,...
Modern societies are pervaded by computerized, heterogeneous devices designed for specific purposes, but also more and more often capable of interacting with other devices for en...
Antonio Carzaniga, Giovanni Denaro, Mauro Pezz&egr...
Information extraction (IE) — the problem of extracting structured information from unstructured text — has become an increasingly important topic in recent years. A SIGMOD 20...
Laura Chiticariu, Yunyao Li, Sriram Raghavan, Fred...