This paper presents S2E, a platform for analyzing the properties and behavior of software systems. We demonstrate S2E’s use in developing practical tools for comprehensive perfo...
Vitaly Chipounov, Volodymyr Kuznetsov, George Cand...
Abstract: The time-triggered System-on-a-Chip (SoC) architecture provides a generic multicore system platform for a family of composable and dependable giga-scale SoCs. It supports...
Roman Obermaisser, Hermann Kopetz, Christian El Sa...
The long-term goals of the recently started Biomedia project at SFSU are to provide multimedia information systems and applications for the research and education needs of several...
E. Lank, Dragutin Petkovic, F. A. Ramirez-Weber, J...
As computers and Internet become more and more available to families, access of objectionable graphics by children is increasingly a problem that many parents are concerned about....
James Ze Wang, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar Firsc...
In this study, we defined requirements of ubiquitous environment, which users can monitor and control situations of home anytime, anywhere. In addition we developed and built a mod...