Abstract. Many disciplines must handle the creation, visualization, and manipulation of huge and complex 3D environments. Examples include large structural and mechanical engineeri...
Ingo Wald, Philipp Slusallek, Carsten Benthin, Mar...
Nonuniform sampling of images is a useful technique in computer graphics, because a properly designed pattern of samples can make aliasing take the form of high-frequency random n...
Bounding volume hierarchies have become a very popular way to speed up ray tracing. In this paper we present a novel traversal and approximation scheme for bounding volume hierarc...
Martin Eisemann, Christian Woizischke, Marcus A. M...
We present an interactive GPU-based algorithm for accurately rendering high-quality, dynamic glossy reflection effects from both HDR environment maps and local scene objects. Our ...
We investigate the use of two-level nested grids as acceleration structure for ray tracing of dynamic scenes. We propose a massively parallel, sort-based construction algorithm an...
Javor Kalojanov, Markus Billeter, Philipp Slusalle...