— The tolerable packet-loss ratio of an Internet Protocol (IP) based wireless networks varies according to the specific services considered. File transfer for example must be er...
The migration from desktop applications to Web-based services is scattering personal data across a myriad of Web sites, such as Google, Flickr, YouTube, and Amazon S3. This disper...
Roxana Geambasu, Cherie Cheung, Alexander Moshchuk...
Although the ability to model and infer Attacker Intent, Objectives and Strategies (AIOS) may dramatically advance the literature of risk assessment, harm prediction, and predicti...
The usage control (UCON) model was introduced as a unified approach to capture a number of extensions for traditional access control models. While the policy specification flexibi...
Xinwen Zhang, Ravi S. Sandhu, Francesco Parisi-Pre...
As silicon technologies move into the nanometer regime, transistor reliability is expected to wane as devices become subject to extreme process variation, particle-induced transie...
Kypros Constantinides, Stephen Plaza, Jason A. Blo...