² Similar to humans and primates, artificial creatures like robots are limited in terms of allocation of their resources to huge sensory and perceptual information. Serial process...
Ali Borji, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Babak Nadjar Ara...
Probabilistic modelling of text data in the bagof-words representation has been dominated by directed graphical models such as pLSI, LDA, NMF, and discrete PCA. Recently, state of...
Visual understanding is often based on measuring similarity between observations. Learning similarities specific to a certain perception task from a set of examples has been show...
Michael Bronstein, Alexander Bronstein, Nikos Para...
There are many computer vision algorithms developed for visual (scene and object) recognition. Some systems focus on involved learning algorithms, some leverage millions of trainin...
Visualization techniques are commonly used in computer science, particularly for understanding the interactions intrinsic in the object-oriented paradigm. The visualization effect...