Consider an online ad campaign run by an advertiser. The ad serving companies that handle such campaigns record users' behavior that leads to impressions of campaign ads, as ...
Nikolay Archak, Vahab S. Mirrokni, S. Muthukrishna...
Background: Gene/protein recognition and normalization are important preliminary steps for many biological text mining tasks, such as information retrieval, protein-protein intera...
Background: Phylogenetic relationships between genes are not only of theoretical interest: they enable us to learn about human genes through the experimental work on their relativ...
Background: The amount of available biological information is rapidly increasing and the focus of biological research has moved from single components to networks and even larger ...
Stephanie Heinen, Bernhard Thielen, Dietmar Schomb...
Background: As a consequence of the evolutionary process, data collected from related species tend to be similar. This similarity by descent can obscure subtler signals in the dat...