This paper reports the results of a laboratory study of a proposed solution to the problem of coordinating entry into collaborative activity while protecting the privacy and contr...
The present research deals with audio events detection in noisy environments for a multimedia surveillance application. In surveillance or homeland security most of the systems ai...
Hazard detection and prevention of natural and manmade disasters at critical civil infrastructure is becoming increasingly important. Recent events, such as earthquakes and terror...
Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol, Falko Kuester, Oscar Garc&...
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatically index digital home photos based on person identity. A person is identified by his/her face and clothes. The proposed met...
Seungji Yang, Kyong Sok Seo, Sang Kim, Yong Man Ro...
While graphical user interfaces have gained much popularity in recent years, there are situations when the need to use existing applications in a nonvisual modality is clear. Exam...