Direct-touch interaction on mobile phones revolves around screens that compete for visual attention with users‟ realworld tasks and activities. This paper investigates the impac...
Andrew Bragdon, Eugene Nelson, Yang Li, Ken Hinckl...
Several navigation situations can be imagined where visual cueing is not practical or unfeasible, and where the hands are required exclusively for a certain task. The utilization o...
The big challenge related to the contemporary research on ubiquitous and pervasive computing is that of seamless integration. For the next generation of ubiquitous and distributed...
In this paper, we consider a variation of the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem in which the space underlying the set of nodes has a specified non-uniform cost structure. This proble...
The last few years have seen the release of an increasing number of new IT-related devices into the marketplace that have started to utilize tactile feedback. These include those ...