—Crease surfaces are two-dimensional manifolds along which a scalar field assumes a local maximum (ridge) or a local minimum (valley) in a constrained space. Unlike isosurfaces, ...
While isosurfaces of anisotropy measures for data from diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) are known to depict major anatomical structures, the anisotropy metric ...
Visualization of glyphs has a long history in medical imaging but gains much more power when the glyphs are properly placed to fill the screen. Glyph packing is often performed vi...
Mario Hlawitschka, Gerik Scheuermann, Bernd Hamann
We define a rotation field by extending the notion of a vector field to rotations. A vector field has a vector as a value at each point of its domain; a rotation field has a ...
We present a novel multiscale approach for flow visualization. We define a local alignment tensor that encodes a measure for alignment to the direction of a given flow field. This...