A number of recent technological trends have made data intensive applications such as continuous media (audio and video) servers a reality. These servers store and retrieve a larg...
Analysis of web site usage data involves two significant challenges: firstly the volume of data, arising from the growth of the web, and secondly, the structural complexity of web...
Amir H. Youssefi, David J. Duke, Mohammed Javeed Z...
As the competition of Web search market increases, there is a high demand for personalized Web search to conduct retrieval incorporating Web users' information needs. This pa...
The knowledge discovery process encounters the difficulties to analyze large amount of data. Indeed, some theoretical problems related to high dimensional spaces then appear and de...
The ever-increasing number of intrusions in public and commercial networks has created the need for high-speed archival solutions that continuously store streaming network data to...
Francesco Fusco, Marc Ph. Stoecklin, Michail Vlach...