—Distributed object search is the primary function of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing system to locate and transfer the file. The predominant search schemes in unstructured P2P...
Decentralized distributed systems such as peer-to-peer systems are particularly vulnerable to sybil attacks, where a malicious user pretends to have multiple identities (called sy...
Haifeng Yu, Phillip B. Gibbons, Michael Kaminsky, ...
Comparing the system call sequence of a network application against a sandboxing policy is a popular approach to detecting control-hijacking attack, in which the attacker exploits...
Smartphones have recently become increasingly popular because they provide "all-in-one" convenience by integrating traditional mobile phones with handheld computing devi...
Jerry Cheng, Starsky H. Y. Wong, Hao Yang, Songwu ...
One of the essential features in modern computer systems is context switching, which allows multiple threads of execution to time-share a limited number of processors. While very ...
Fang Liu, Fei Guo, Yan Solihin, Seongbeom Kim, Abd...