The leading web search engines have spent a decade building highly specialized ranking functions for English web pages. One of the reasons these ranking functions are effective is...
Abstract. Folksonomies have become a powerful tool to describe, discover, search, and navigate online resources (e.g., pictures, videos, blogs) on the Social Web. Unlike taxonomies...
Users frequently modify a previous search query in hope of retrieving better results. These modifications are called query reformulations or query refinements. Existing research h...
Web services (WS) have become a significant part of the Web because of such attractive features as simple to use, platform independence, and XML/SOAP support. However, these featu...
World-Wide Web proxy servers that cache documents can potentially reduce three quantities: the number of requests that reach popular servers, the volume of network trac resulting ...
Marc Abrams, Charles R. Standridge, Ghaleb Abdulla...