The insider threat against database management systems is a dangerous security problem. Authorized users may abuse legitimate privileges to masquerade as other users or to maliciou...
Sunu Mathew, Michalis Petropoulos, Hung Q. Ngo, Sh...
Protocol sequences are binary and periodic sequences used in multiple-access scheme for collision channel without feedback. Each user reads out the bits from the assigned protocol ...
Throughout more than two millennia philosophers adhered massively to ideal standards of scientific rationality going back ultimately to Aristotle’s Analytica posteriora. These s...
—In wireless networks, node cooperation has been exploited as a data relaying mechanism for decades. However, the wireless channel allows for much richer interaction among nodes....
— Despite significant efforts to obtain an accurate picture of the Internet’s connectivity structure at the level of individual autonomous systems (ASes), much has remained un...
Ricardo V. Oliveira, Dan Pei, Walter Willinger, Be...