We evaluate the capacity of an IEEE 802.16d and IEEE 802.11g testbed to simultaneously carry emulated H.264/AVC video and Speex VoIP and present results from an extensive measurem...
Kostas Pentikousis, Jarno Pinola, Esa Piri, Frerk ...
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system suffers extra performance degradation in fast fading channel due to intercarrier interference (ICI). Combing frequency dom...
Abstract— High-speed wireless communication technology (e.g. WiMAX) makes it feasible and cost-effective to build wireless back-hauls for Internet access. Compared to wired count...
Delivering “relevant” advertisements to consumers carrying mobile devices is regarded by many as one of the most promising mobile business opportunities. The relevance of a mo...
—In many channel measurement applications, one needs to estimate some characteristics of the channels based on a limited set of measurements. This is mainly due to the highly tim...