Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) are an increasingly popular class of real-time interactive distributed applications that require scalable architectures and parallelizat...
As mobile and embedded devices become widespread, the management and configuration of the software in the devices is increasingly turning into a critical issue. OSGi is a busines...
WiFi radios in smart-phones consume a significant amount of power when active. The 802.11 standard allows these devices to save power through an energy-conserving Power Save Mode ...
Eric Rozner, Vishnu Navda, Ramachandran Ramjee, Sh...
Abstract— In recent years business-to-business (B2B) ecommerce has been subject to major rethinking. A paradigm shift from document centric file-based interchange of business in...
Our experience with Internet-based scientific collaboratories indicates that they need to be user-extensible, allow users to add tools and objects dynamically to shared workspaces...
Jang Ho Lee, Atul Prakash, Trent Jaeger, Gwobaw Wu