For mobile robots to be successful, they have to navigate safely in populated and dynamic environments. While recent research has led to a variety of localization methods that can...
Dieter Fox, Wolfram Burgard, Sebastian Thrun, Armi...
This paperconsidersthe problem of representingcomplex systems that evolve stochastically over time. Dynamic Bayesian networks provide a compact representation for stochastic proce...
One of the surprising findings from the study of CNF satisfiability in the 1990's has been the success of iterative repair techniques, and in particular of weighted iterative...
Modifyingknowledge-based systems is a complexactivity. One of its di culties is that several related portions of the system might have to be changed in order to maintain the coher...
A key assumption of all problem-solving approaches based on utility theory, including heuristic search, is that we can assign a utility or cost to each state. This in turn require...