In the near future NASAintends to explore various regions of our solar systemusing robotic devices such as rovers, spacecraft, airplanes, and/or balloons. Such platforms will carr...
Jonathan J. Oliver, Ted Roush, Paul Gazis, Wray L....
Conventional object-oriented analysis delivers a business object model, which is transformed during design into collaborating class clusters which implement the business model...
Implicitcoscheduling is a distributed algorithm fortime-sharing communicating processes in a cluster of workstations. By observing and reacting to implicit information, local sche...
Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, David E. Culler, Alan M....
— This paper proposes two hierarchical schemes for learning, one for clustering and the other for classification problems. Both schemes can be implemented on a fuzzy lattice neu...
—Knowledge representation is one of important factors that determine human performance on cognitive tasks. Due to different levels of experience, different groups of people may d...