Performances of actual mesh compression algorithms vary significantly depending on the type of model it encodes. These methods rely on prior assumptions on the mesh to be efficient...
Let ^G be a graph obtained from a graph G with no loops or coloops by replacing each edge e = uw of G by a connected graph He that has only the vertices u and w in common with the...
An edge-unfolding of a polyhedron is produced by cutting along edges and flattening the faces to a net, a connected planar piece with no overlaps. A grid unfolding allows addition...
Mobile data management has been an active area of research for the past fifteen years. Besides dealing with mobility itself, issues central in data management for mobile computin...
Given a connected graph, X, we denote by 2 = 2(X) its smallest non-zero Laplacian eigenvalue. In this paper we show that among all sets of n - 1 transpositions which generate the ...