Opportunistic networking is emerging as a technique to exploit chance encounters among mobile nodes, and is distinct from previously studied behaviors found in sensor and ad hoc n...
We describe a bidirectional framework for natural language parsing and generation, using a typedfeatureformalismand an HPSG-based grammar with a parser and generator derived from ...
A research organization responds to a variety of customer requests. Each high level request is broken down into a set of low level requests. For each low level request, the resear...
el Predicate Abstraction and Refinement Techniques for Verifying RTL Verilog Himanshu Jain, Daniel Kroening, Natasha Sharygina, and Edmund M. Clarke, Fellow, IEEE As a first step, ...
Himanshu Jain, Daniel Kroening, Natasha Sharygina,...
This paper presents a simple new algorithm that performs k-means clustering in one scan of a dataset, while using a bu er for points from the dataset of xed size. Experiments show...