High performance SoC requires nonblocking interconnections between an array of processors built on one chip. With the advent of deep sub-micron technologies, switches are becoming...
Esther Y. Cheng, Feng Zhou, Bo Yao, Chung-Kuan Che...
Power is considered to be the major limiter to the design of more faster and complex processors in the near future. In order to address this challenge, a combination of process, c...
David Duarte, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Mary Jane I...
Our goal is to identify the key architectural and design issues related to Sensor Networks (SNs), evaluate the proposed solutions, and to outline the most challenging research dir...
This paper presents a novel microarchitecture to exploit trace-level speculation by means of two threads working cooperatively in a speculative and non-speculative way respectivel...
We describe a hardware and software platform for developing streaming applications. Programmers write stream programs in high-level languages, and a set of software tools maps the...
Ben Serebrin, John D. Owens, Chen H. Chen, Stephen...