—“AWE” is a programmable “Animated Work Environment” supporting everyday human activities, at home, work and school, in an increasingly digital society. AWE features a no...
Keith Evan Green, Ian D. Walker, Leo J. Gugerty, J...
- A phoneme-acquisition system was developed using a computational model that explains the developmental process of human infants in the early period of acquiring language. There a...
— Many critical elements for statically stable walking for legged robots have been known for a long time, including stability criteria based on support polygons, good foothold se...
Jonas Buchli, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Michael Mistry,...
Abstract— Previous work [1] shows that the movement representation in task spaces offers many advantages for learning object-related and goal-directed movement tasks through imit...
Abstract— Outdoor camera networks are becoming ubiquitous in critical urban areas of large cities around the world. Although current applications of camera networks are mostly li...
Agustin Alberto Ortega Jimenez, Bruno Dias, Ernest...