Light-weight, flexible access control, which allows software to regulate reads and writes to any granularity of memory region, can help improve the reliability of today’s multi...
This paper presents a fundamental law for parallel performance: it shows that parallel performance is not only limited by sequential code (as suggested by Amdahl’s law) but is a...
Virtualization has the potential to dramatically reduce the total cost of ownership of datacenters and increase the flexibility of deployments for general-purpose workloads. If pr...
Vijayaraghavan Soundararajan, Jennifer M. Anderson
SIMD organizations amortize the area and power of fetch, decode, and issue logic across multiple processing units in order to maximize throughput for a given area and power budget...
Chip Multiprocessors (CMPs) are now commodity hardware, but commoditization of parallel software remains elusive. In the near term, the current trend of increased coreper-socket c...