Abstract. This paper presents the foundation, design, and implementation of the Linear Temporal Logic of Rewriting model checker as an extension of the Maude system. The Linear Tem...
For a rewrite theory to be executable, its equations E should be (ground) confluent and terminating modulo the given axioms A, and their rules should be (ground) coherent with E m...
Abstract. If a set of equations E∪Ax is such that E is confluent, terminating, and coherent modulo Ax, narrowing with E modulo Ax provides a complete E∪Ax-unification algorit...
Narrowing was originally introduced to solve equational E-unification problems. It has also been recognized as a key mechanism to unify functional and logic programming. In both ...
ion and Completeness for Real-Time Maude Peter Csaba ¨Olveczky a,b and Jos´e Meseguer b a Department of Informatics, University of Oslo b Department of Computer Science, Universi...