The aim of the sudoku puzzle (also known as number place in the United States) is to enter a numeral from 1 through 9 in each cell of a grid, most frequently a 9 × 9 grid made up...
Abstract. Ensemble methods allow to improve the accuracy of classification methods. This work considers the application of one of these methods, named Rotation-based, when the clas...
Software model checkers are typically language-specific, require substantial development efforts, and are hard to reuse for other languages. Adding partial order reduction (POR)...
Automated deduction methods should be specified not procedurally, but declaratively, as inference systems which are proved correct regardless of implementation details. Then, di...
Abstract. CIRC is an automated circular coinductive prover implemented as an extension of Maude. The circular coinductive technique that forms the core of CIRC is discussed, togeth...