Branch prediction is the predominant approach for minimizing the pipeline breaks caused by branch instructions. Traditionally, branch prediction is accomplished in one of two ways...
Micro power A/D converter are required for power sensitive, battery-operated equipment such as hearing aids. This paper overviews the principles of the 15-bit 'Floating point...
L. Grisoni, Alexandre Heubi, Peter Balsiger, Faust...
An important objective of the MicroUnity mediaprocessor is to allow the design of systems that replace hardwired functionality with software. One of the key design techniques that...
Curtis Abbott, Henry Massalin, Kevin Peterson, Tom...
As the issue widthof superscalar processors is increased, instructionfetch bandwidthrequirements will also increase. It will become necessary to fetch multiple basic blocks per cy...
Modern microprocessors offer more instruction-level parallelism than most programs and compilers can currently exploit. The resulting disparity between a machine's peak and a...